Friday, February 09, 2007

Your help, please

A pastor that I know is working to help his Church embrace some of the deeper implications of the Eucharist and he asked me to list what books I had read regarding this. I figured that I could provide a few good books but thought that maybe you all who read this blog might suggest some of your own as well. So bring on the books lists! Here are a few of my own suggestions to get us going.

Alexander Schmemann, For the Life of the World
William Cavanaugh, Torture and Eucharist (chapters 5 and 6)

T. F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation (chapter 3)
Lawrence Welch, Christology and Eucharist in the Early Thought of Cyril of Alexandria

p.s. Articles are welcome as well.


Eric Lee said...

I haven't read it myself, but people who have read John Zizoulas' Being as Communion just rave about it.

Charlie said...

Also check out With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Andre said...

Pickstock "After Writing"