Sunday, October 14, 2007

"I wear the facade of pseudo peace"

Our Church went on its bi-annual Church retreat this weekend. This year we stayed overnight at a monastery in Atchison, Kansas. What a beautiful time. Our treat was centered around a Henri Nouwen artice. During this weekend I came across a publication the Benedictine Sisters put, which is where I came across this poem that I wanted to share. I am drawn particularly to the part that says, "I wear the facade of pseudo peace, unaware of burgeoning new life pushing through worn-out securities." Anyways, check out the links and enjoy the poem.

Befriending Chaos
By Barbara Mayer, OSB
Atchison, Kansas

I hide chaos in the closets of
my mind,
fearing to reveal my inner
my lack of order, my inability
to control
the frayed edges of my
When confusion and
upset the smooth tempo of my
I wear the facade of pseudo
unaware of burgeoning new
pushing through worn-out securities

Just as the universe evolves
with both
order and turbulence, I too
must embrace
the tsunamic upheavals of my
knowing they contain
opportunities for transformation.

1 comment:

Mike True said...

scott - ask Brian Postlewait if he remembers me. He should remember me as the greatest RA ever!