Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Regina Spektor

Katie and I went to a Regina Spektor concert this past Sunday at the Uptown theatre here in Kansas City. I bought these tickets as a gift for Katie’s birthday. At the time I was mildly interested in her, but after this show I am a full-fledged fan. What an awesome show! I heard a few of the songs I was familiar with: “Fidelity,” “Better,” “Sampson,” and “On The Radio.” We were most amazed at her ability to be a fantastic songwriter, a gifted musician, and creative performer all at the same time. Check out these music videos here, here, here, and here.


Anonymous said...

yay regina.

Anonymous said...

When i'm alone at work i listen to 'Samson' on repeat.

Scott Savage said...

It's such a great song! Also, glad to know you pop in here to my blogland from time to time. Of course, I am assuming this is the Kallie that I know and love from Lomaland and beyond. I actually don't know any other Kallies. So there that is . . .

Johnson Family said...

I love her! I'm so glad you like her too! I rarely get to hear big people songs anymore so hearing her song fidelity was a complete fluke but once I heard it I was sold! Love you and miss you brother!!!! I can't wait to see you guys at Christmas! Tell Katie I love her too!!!!!!! Mom, randomly, said this morning she was sorry she never gave me a sister (I have no idea where it came from...you know better than to ask) so we decided you are the cool one 'cause you gave me Katie. :)