Monday, July 21, 2008

corny worship songs

So I'm curious . . . what would you consider to be the corniest line in a worship song you have ever heard? You can choose a line, verse, chorus, or even a whole song.

Actually, my lovely wife is going to be writing an article about corny worship songs. It's a satirical article meant to offer some exposure on the matter.

I'll offer my two-cents. It's the chorus from "On the Jericho Road." It goes like this:

"On the Jericho road there's room for just two
No more or no less just Jesus and you
Each burden he'll bear each sorrow he'll share
There's never a care when Jesus is there."

I mostly have a theological beef with this song. It seems that there is only room for two people on the Jericho road and the one singing the song is not one of them. It reminds me of the old riddle where two American coins add up to thirty cents but one of them is not a nickel. What are to two coins? (answer: a quarter and a nickel). Thus, two folks are traveling on the Jericho road and one of them is not you. Who's traveling with Jesus? And you get the point.

So, what do you got?


Brando said...

Mary had a little lamb born on XMas day,
Most perfect lamb of sacrifice to wash my sins away.
everytime I think about it, how He came from Heaven grand,
I bow my head and thank my God Mary had a little lamb.

Brando said...

This band called Holy Bible Jesus Singers has a song called Standing in the Shadows. Here's a great line:

Then the father up in heaven did something nice.
He sent a substitution to be the sacrifice.


Thomas (Murphy) Bridges said...

It is easy to find theological beef with most worship choruses these days. For the corniest, I say any of them that sound like super emotional sexual comments to a lover.

Thomas (Murphy) Bridges said...

In case it was not clear, I mean lines like "I want to touch you, I want to see your face." (I cannot think of better examples right now).

Charlie said...

While I like most of the rest of the song, these lines from "Above All" drive me nuts, they're so bad...

You lived to die rejected and alone
Like a Rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me
Above all

Matthew said...

"Lord, I Life Your Name on High" (especially when all the musicians except for the drummer stop playing for the chorus).

"Awesome God" makes me cringe.

Also, U2 must die.

Irina said...

The corniest song every is the one that says:

Jesus, you are Jesus
God of gods
Lord of Lords
You are Jesus

Does Jesus not know that He is Jesus and we have to tell him through a worship song???

Wilson Ryland said...

I like bananas
I know that mangos are sweet
I like papayas...PAPAYAS
But nothing can beat that sweet love of God

nick mucci said...

yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord

nick mucci said...

i've found Jesus.


Montague said...

Just for the record... Lillenas (or however you spell that) recently came out with a song called, "Going All the Way with Jesus." I guess that sounds interesting.

The corniest worship song I know of goes something like this...

"You are my fire,
The one desire,
Believe when I say,
I want it that way."

Okay...what about this line in "Here I Am to Worship"...

"I'll never know how much it costs
To see my sin upon that Cross."

What does that mean? Did John and Mary have to buy an admission ticket to the crucifixion? Ha. Actually it cost me $7. Thank you Mel Gibson.

And...Congrats on the article Katie.

Singertenor (Robert Nowlin) said...

Scott, I'm glad that you decided to post something like this. I have had an issue over a certain popular camp meeting song for years:

In moments like these, I sing out a song,
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these, I lift up my hands,
I lift up my hands to the (my) Lord.

Singing I love You Lord, singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You, Lord I love You.

In moments like these, I sing out a song,
I sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these, I lift up my hands,
I lift up my hands to the (my) Lord.

Singing I love You Lord, singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You Lord, I love You.

Singing I love You Lord, singing I love You Lord,
Singing I love You, Lord, I love You.


My main problem with the song is that the author is very interested in congregational singing that seeks a certain experience, rather than a particular quality of Christian formation.

Anonymous said...

i've always LOATHED 'Heart of Worship' because it's such a brag fest. It's like a person going on and on about wonderfully humble they are. By rough estimate, the song uses just as many "I" and "me" references as it does "You (christ)" references. So who's the song really about? In my experiences with this song, people seem to transition from worshipping God to praising themselves for being so darn worshipful. Stop talking about coming back to the heart of worship and just frickin do it! Needless to say it has always left a bad taste in my mouth. i know it serves as a useful touchstone for some people, but i think it's misused for personal praise more often than not.

Mike True said...

You all are pretty young and probably wont remember this but the all time worst is...

"Shut de door...keep out de devil. Shut de door keep de devil in de night." then some thing like... "light a candle everythings alright."

One thing I can promise...if Satan himself is on the other side of my door...I'm not singing that song.

There is proof this is a real song on youtube.

Scott Savage said...

Mike, sadly I do remember that song, although I think it was on its way out when I came around. At least I hope so, I haven't heard it in years. Hope things are well!