Saturday, March 17, 2012

Around the Horn

Wow, I thought I was developing a good rhythm for blogging, but apparently this week (with the additional mental bandwidth required for writing a sermon) has knocked me off my game. I hope to get back on track next week. Nevertheless here are merely a few things that been happening around the horn:

Have an extra 12,000 pieces pf paper to spare? Consider making this. Josh Ritter, Love's Making Its Way Back Home.

Some scattered thoughts by Rachel Held Evans on "Christian Industry."

Here's a series I just caught wind of. A guy named Jake Bouma is hosting a Cancer and Theology series on his blog. He's already got a few of them up.

A good post from Katie. Have I told you she has a book coming out in November?

Rowan Williams is stepping down as the Archbishop of Canterbury. This brought to mind one of my favorite Rowan Williams moments ever (read here).

*above image from

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